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Autor Thema:Make latest backup available with a sparate "Latest" folder
Beiträge: 1
Beitrag Make latest backup available with a sparate "Latest" folder
am March 19, 2014, 08:30

Hi everybody,

I'd like to have my latest backup also available via a "Latest" folder.
Reason: I would like to push the latest Version to a off site backup.

I know that this could be achieved via the post backup command but I am totally new to Windows scripting.

Could someone please help me with:
- How shoud i write the script (Whicht Scripting language?)
- How would I start the script after the backup finished
- How could I identify the latest backup (timestamp of the folders in the root directory?, or can HLB provide this invormtion as a parameter?

I would greatly appreciate any help!

All the best,

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